2010 Cycle Trip 2 - Tendring

Sunday 8th March 2010

Another successful tour completed and a record number of riders as we were joined by two new riders, Bob and Colin. In dry and bright conditions we made our first stop bang on opening time at the Cross Inn, Great Bromley, where we received an unexpected treat.

Matt who normally brings along some rather delicious cakes - for himself - rather unselfishly (well, with a bit of ungentlemanly persuasion) brought supplies for everyone. A promising start polished off with an excellent Old Forge Bitter from Sticklegs.
It was then onto the Haywain at Little Bromley for a well earned bite to eat where we were joined by Keith (on four wheels!) who gave us a splendid reading from the Book of Excuses as to why he was unable to cycle. 
After a filling meal - it was so filling, custard monster Robin, turned down the offer of pudding! - we made our way back to Colchester via the White Hart Weeley, Royal Fusilier Aingers Green and Greyhound at Wivenhoe.